Thursday, June 30, 2016

VIPER Ride Charity Receives Donations from Eagle Eye
Protecting those who have protected us!

Milwaukee, Wisconsin- On Wednesday, June 8th, Eagle Eye Power Solutions presented a $500 check towards the VIPER Ride charity organization. The check was presented at the House of Harley motorcycle dealership at 6221 W. Layton Ave. in Greenfield, Wisconsin. Dave Carlson, Finance Commander and Nellie Oman, Finance Co-Chair (both pictured above) were able to accept the donation on behalf of their organization.

The word “VIPER” in their organization, stands for Visually Impaired Patriots Experiencing the Road. There are over 132,000 blind veterans across the globe. 22 out of those 132,000 veterans commit suicide every day from depression, as a result of their feelings of isolation from being blind. The VIPER Ride aims to provide those veterans with an opportunity to go on 100+ mile motorcycle rides on Wisconsin’s best cycling roads. The event will bring excitement, joy and liveliness back to the veterans and bring awareness to their cause. Throughout the event, there will be rest stops filled with refreshments and a social event that includes meals and entertainment, sure to be fun for the whole family!  

The VIPER Ride will take place this year on August 21, 2016. Additional donations and volunteers are still greatly needed to reach the organization’s goals. To learn more about the event/organization, or how to volunteer/donate please visit:

Eagle Eye Power Solutions is the industry leader in battery monitoring, testing and charging solutions!