In today's world, information and media is attainable so easily. Scouring through the library is no longer as necessary to conduct research. You can do most of that online on electronic databases and through Google Books or other free periodical and book solutions. While you're on your phone, you can access documents from your Dropbox account as you're watching an episode of Dr. Who on Netflix. If you have an internet connection through your pc or your mobile device, you should never have a problem accessing information.
Because of this ease of access through technology whether it is for research, entertainment, or anything else, there is no excuse to not be caught up on information pertinent to your system. Just because you're not in your office, you should know if something is wrong with your power grid. A delay in action could result in time and money lost. If you want battery monitoring systems that will keep you up to date on information and alerts related to your power source, consider a BMS/i-com battery monitoring system.
With a BMS/i-com, you don't have to worry about not being in the loop. You will be able to monitor your system in real-time 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If there is ever a problem with your system or an outage of any kind, you will be the first to know. A SMS will be sent to the administrator of the system so that they know what exactly is going on and when. We are an information rich society that has the advantage of accessing it anywhere on a few different devices. If you don't know what is going on with your power grid from the status of your battery to immediate real-time events that need to be addressed right away, you don't have the right battery monitoring system in place.